Keynote Speakers
Prof. Yanqing Duan, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Biography: Yanqing (Yan) Duan (BSc, MSc, PhD, SFHEA) is a full Professor of Information Systems and founder and director of Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC) at the Business School, University of Bedfordshire. Her principal research interest is the development and use of emerging ICTs (e.g. AI, Big Data, IoT and analytics) and their impact on organisational performance, decision making, and knowledge management. She is a regular expert evaluator for various major funding bodies. Professor Duan has led and participated in many research projects on digital transformation and digital agriculture and aquaculture in collaboration with international, European, and UK partners. She has received many research grants from various funding sources, such as: European Commission, Innovate UK, UK Department For International Development (DFID), BBSRC, JISC, British Council, etc. She is an associated editor for International Journal of Information Management and Decision Support System. She has published over 250 peer reviewed articles including papers in European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal Information Systems, European Journal of Marketing, IEEE transaction on Engineering Management, Information & Management, The Information Society, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Technovation, Information Technology and People.

Prof. Isabelle Linden, University of Namur, Belgium
Biography: Isabelle Linden a Professor of Information Management at the at the University of Namur (UNamur). She holds a master’s degree in mathematical sciences (University of Liege - ULg), a master’s degree in philosophy (ULg) and a Ph.D. in computer science (University of Namur). She is a founding member of the Fundamental Computer Sciences Research Centre (FoCUS), which she currently heads, and member of the coordination board of Euro Working Group on Decision Support Systems (EWG-DSS) which she chaired from 2020 to 2022. Isabelle Linden has a keen interest in modes of knowledge representation and reasoning, as well as the techniques to understand, formalize and structure them, is developing a research program aiming to invent and develop new methods of analysis and decision support. Facing the specific issue of knowledge acquisition, especially when it is disseminated across large, unconnected data sets, Isabelle Linden has explored the transformation of data into knowledge within Business Intelligence (BI) platforms. Her work applies in different contexts: estate planning and inheritance, energy management, as well as the logistic chain processes. More recently, she has focused on supporting users in the use of BI technologies through various recommendation systems.