Submission Guidelines
Authors are required to submit your paper via Electronic Submission System
Authors can submit two kinds of contributions.
1) Abstract, which will not be published into conference proceedings.
2) Full papers, with at least 5 pages, including plus references. Full paper submissions should be formatted according to the formatting instructions in the paper template below.
Download Paper Template (.docx format)
Download Paper Template (.tex format)
Review Process
The goal of the review step is to provide constructive evaluation of a submitted paper. Every submitted paper will be ranked based on factors including technical merits, originality of work, potential impact of results, quality of presentation, adequacy of citations, and reproducibility, etc. by peer-reviewers.
Originality and Concurrent Submissions
Submissions must present original work. Concurrent submissions are not allowed. Papers that have been published in or accepted to any peer-reviewed journal or conference/workshop with published proceedings may not be submitted. Papers that are currently under review, or will be submitted to other meetings or publications may not be submitted. However, submissions that have been previously presented orally or as posters in venues with no formal proceedings, are allowed. Note that if available online and not anonymous, their titles and abstract must be sufficiently different from the submission to AEIS 2025 conference in order to limit the risk that a direct search breaks the blind reviewing requirement.